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Баннер 195X195


(Russian) Олег Шурупов: «СНХЗ использует только отечественные базовые процессы»


Северный широтный ход - это:
Уже проголосовало 149 человек

Маршрут ледоколов через Ледовитый океан

Дорога в Архангельск при Ломоносове

Канал, соединяющий Обскую губу и залив Красного моря

Железная дорога через северные территории России от Ямала до Балтики

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(Russian) Водородная стратегия Голландии


(Russian) Мероприятия

(Russian) “К” экономике замкнутого цикла


«The Chemical Journal / Химический журнал»
The Chemical Journal is the largest chemical industry publication in Russia and the CIS. Its subscribers include heads of industrial regions, top management of plants and companies, leading industry experts, scientific and central libraries, the State Duma.
Every month, the magazine publishes news about advanced technologies, innovative materials and their applications, reviews of feedstock and downstream markets, reports on major trends in basic segments of the chemical industry, and development forecasts.
The magazine is distinguished among other printed chemical industry publications by its analytical approach and focus on top management as a target audience: market situation is always analysed from the standpoint of business growth opportunities to help industry leaders make strategic decisions.
The magazine exchanges information with major foreign publications.

125047, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya st., 11-63, Moscow
Tel. +7 (499) 767-19-06; 729-66-94
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